Infertility is the inability to get
pregnant after a year of unprotected intercourse. About 10 per cent of
couples in the United States are affected by infertility. Both men and
women can be infertile.
According to the Centres for Disease
Control, one-third of the time, the diagnosis is due to female
infertility, one-third of the time, it is linked to male infertility;
and the remaining cases of infertility are due to a combination of
factors from both partners.
For approximately 20 per cent of couples, the cause cannot be determined (unexplained infertility).
There is a worldwide emotional epidemic
of infertility. As at today, 25 per cent of couples are infertile. Even
in India which has severe overpopulation, the most common reason for a
visit to the doctor is infertility. In Nigeria, infertility, which used
to be a small area of gynaecology practice, has now become a huge
discipline, with several doctors devoting their clinic solely to the
practice of infertility.
ability of getting pregnant decreases with age, which explains why only
one per cent of teenagers are infertile, while a large majority of
infertile couples are in their 30s. It is well documented that from our
teen years when the last thing we wanted was a child, to our mid 30s
when we are finally secure enough to start our family, our ability to
conceive decreases almost by 25 per cent.
Research shows that in the past 30 years, infertility has increased and those over 30 have the most problems.
If you are in your 30s and have been
working to establish yourself in your profession, and are now just
casually reading this magazine because you are thinking maybe in a few
years I might like to start a family, you should realise that there is a
25 per cent chance you will not be able to do so without medical
Other factors that may make it difficult
for you to get pregnant include abnormal organs, immunological factors
and other malfunctioning of the body system.
The dramatic increases in infertility
over the last 30 years has been blamed on various factors, including the
increases in sexually-transmitted diseases; environmental toxins in our
food such as heavy metals in fish; environmental pollution,
particularly in the oil-producing geographical zones; declining sperm
counts from absorption of toxic substances and even the increased
tension and anxiety of modern life.
In all other animals except humans, the
desire to have sexual intercourse is timed to correspond exactly to that
moment when the female is ovulating or producing eggs that can be
fertilised. Take, for instance, a dog or a rabbit.
Once the female is ovulating, she seeks
out the male and after intercourse, the female is usually pregnant with
multiple pregnancies. Humans, however desire to have sex at any time,
regardless of whether there is an egg that can be fertilised in the
woman and it makes us reproductively more inefficient than other
We know that in all species, there is a
very short window; in fact, a matter of days during each month that the
female is fertile and can get pregnant with intercourse. The timing of
sex is therefore very important if a species is to have an efficient and
high fertility rate.
In humans, women go through a period of
14 days when the follicle in the ovary develops. This starts from the
day one of the menstruation until the egg is sufficiently mature and
ready for ovulation. Once the egg is released at ovulation, there is
another 14-day period that it can be fertilised.
If intercourse occurs at the right time,
then the embryo grows and implants in the uterus, or womb. If
intercourse occurs at another time other than the ovulation period, it
is very unlikely that the woman will get pregnant in that cycle/month.
Animals go through what is described as
an “estrus” cycle or “heat.” Humans go through a menstrual cycle. Apart
from other hormonal variations, one significant difference between
humans and animals is that the female sex hormone, estrogen, which
increases just before ovulation in animals, is the trigger factor for
their sex drive. This hormone is responsible for producing eggs. In
other words, animals do not desire to have sex unless there is an egg to
be fertilised in the female’s womb.
In humans, sexual desire is much more
complex and is not driven by the female sex hormone estrogen, but by the
male sex hormone testosterone. This is unique in the animal kingdom and
it is specially a human phenomenon. The small amount of testosterone
that the female makes is enough to generate a sexual drive in her.
It is only few females that recognise the
slight increase in testosterone around the ovulation period to enable
them deliberately initiate sex at the appropriate time to get pregnant.
- To be continued
Infertility is a very big challenge in marriage. Its frustrating n energy sapping. God help those in need of children. Mrs O